Mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in G20




Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a recognised global threat to health security. However, mainstreaming responses to this threat into public policy has remained elusive, and anti-AMR measures have been limited to health interventions. AMR is caused by global factors, including sustained and irresponsible antibiotic use in humans and animals, as well as climate change. Hence its effective management also requires global collaborative efforts. This policy brief provides an overview of AMR, its significance, and the current landscape of policies, national action plans, and funding for AMR research and surveillance within the G20 countries. It also highlights the need for concerted action and international cooperation to address this critical issue.


Antimicrobial resistance, G20, Pandemic, NAPs


Authors Bio

Aniket Shevade, Takshashila Institution

Aniket Shevade is a Research Analyst at the Takshashila Institution

Shambhavi Naik, Takshashila Institution

Shambhavi Naik is the Head of Research at Takshashila and is the chairperson of the Advanced Biology programme.


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