Drafting a pro-antitrust and data protection regulatory framework





The  Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act 2023 has significant implications for antitrust issues in digital markets.  A consensus has emerged among competition regulators across jurisdictions that in markets underpinned by data-driven business models, antitrust concerns intersect with data protection regulatory issues. With the recent enactment of the law, the landscape in India is now ripe to ensure that the two regulatory tools of data protection and competition work in tandem. The paper provides an overview of why a new approach to antitrust law is required in the realm of data-driven digital platforms, and delves into the evolving antitrust cases in India with respect to digital platforms to lay out the jurisprudence on data-related anti-competitive practices. The main objective of this paper is to map the Digital Personal Data Protection Act in the context of India's jurisprudence to theoretically illustrate how regulation of personal data could impact antitrust enforcement. Finally, the paper outlines how the CCI needs to assess digital antitrust cases and how the personal data legislation will need to evolve to achieve the twin goals of data protection and fair competition.


Data protection, Antitrust, Digital platforms, Competition


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Authors Bio

Sharmadha Srinivasan, Artha Global

Sharmadha Srinivasan is a Principal at Artha Global and her research is mostly in the area of tech and data governance policy. 

Vikram Sinha

Vikram Sinha was a Junior Fellow at Artha Global, where he led the work on technology and data policy. His research also focuses on digital public infrastructure and digital competition.

Saurabh Modi, TrustBridge

Saurabh is a Research Fellow with TrustBridge where his work is focused on improving India’s business environment by improving the rule of law.


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