Examining exclusions in the Public Distribution System
A policy ethics perspective on ensuring the right to food
Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to life, with the right to food being a fundamental aspect of this guarantee. Policies concerning beneficiary coverage and Aadhaar biometric identification have led to significant exclusions within the Public Distribution System, which undermine this right. This raises critical ethical questions regarding these policies. The ethical framework embedded in the Indian Constitution has substantial implications for contemporary policymaking. How can policy ethics ensure the right to food—the right to life—for all individuals? This study assesses policies through evidence-based research, centred on the implementation of the PDS in Nagaland, India. Exclusions primarily stem from the interplay of census and identity politics, coupled with a technological determinism largely influenced by centralized state control and surveillance. This often overshadows constitutional values and objectives in policy decisions, compromising the foundational ethical principles of policymaking. Policy formulation grounded in reliable population data, targeted inclusion initiatives, flexible identity verification, and dedicated support for the most vulnerable groups is essential for ensuring inclusivity. Empowering local institutions and community-led organizations, particularly self-help groups in the management of welfare programs, can significantly enhance inclusivity. Public policies must rekindle the radical spirit of the Constitution and actualize the ethical framework envisaged within it.
Aadhaar, exclusion, constitution, policy ethics, PDS, right to foodDownloads
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