Unlocking India’s Potential in Industrial Revolution 4.0

National Innovation System, Demography, and Inclusive Development





Abstract: Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) has many opportunities and important challenges for developing countries such as India. This article takes stock of India’s opportunities in harnessing IR4.0 for inclusive development, and the challenges that the revolution presents before the country. It argues that with India’s extant capabilities in ICT software development, a youthful demography, and skill development potential, the country can be at the centre of IR4.0 -- becoming the world’s skill or talent capital, besides leveraging the potential of the new technologies for closing development gaps. It also summarizes some policy lessons for tapping the potential of India in IR4.0; these include, among others, the need to quickly transform the educational system to make it fit-for-purpose for the digital revolution, step up enterprise-level innovative activity, facilitate the adoption of relevant technologies by MSMEs, closing the digital divide, and evolving a new architecture for social protection designed to protect displaced workers, as well as gig economy workers.


Innovation, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Inclusive Development, Skill Development, Demography


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Author Bio

Nagesh Kumar, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development

Prof Nagesh Kumar is Director and Chief Executive of the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), a public-funded policy think-tank based in New Delhi. Prior to taking up this role in May 2021, Prof Kumar served as Director at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) holding several senior management roles during 2009-21.


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