Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Indian Public Policy Review

In this issue, the paper by Shruti Gupta and Kevin James examines the regulatory framework and institutional gaps surrounding off-budget borrowings in India and undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the methods employed for such borrowings and ascertains their true extent. K.R. Shanmugam and P.S. Renjith's study examines the sustainability and the threshold level of public debt of the Centre and all State Governments in India and the results suggest that the current levels of public debt of both the Centre and all States are unsustainable. Nagesh Kumar's article takes stock of India’s opportunities in harnessing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 for inclusive development, and the challenges that it poses. It argues that with India’s extant capabilities in ICT software development, a youthful demography, and skill development potential, the country can be at the centre of IR4.0. Jehosh Paul's paper argues that despite its shortcomings, Rule 3(1) of the Draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules, 2020 is an important milestone for the progressive realisation of workers’ welfare in India. Finally, Jos Chathukulam reviews the book “Collected Scientific Papers for the Pioneering Economist and Planner P J Thomas” by E M Thomas.