Vol. 3 No. 3 (May-Jun) (2022): Indian Public Policy Review

In the May issue of 2022, Ajay Chhibber looks at the history of economic planning in India and why Niti Aayog needs to get back to "new planning" for India to achieve SDG goals. The paper by Shanmugam and Shanmugam addresses the issue of designing equalisation transfers from the union government to states. Priyadarshini and Sabyasachi Kar inspect the challenges and opportunities arising from the adoption of a CBDC by India. Jos Chathukulam and Manasi Joseph's paper explores the conditions under which health grants by the union government to local governments can fall prey to the Mission Creep syndrome. V Anantha Nageswaran writes a review article based on the book ‘The Weirdest people in the world’ by Joseph Henrich