Vol. 5 No. 1 (Jan-Feb) (2024): Indian Public Policy Review

The paper by Jos Chathukulam, Manasi Joseph, T.V. Thilakan, V. Rekha & C V Balamurali evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges involved in the management and utilisation of health grants in Kerala. The paper by Motkuri and Revathi examines the trends in private and public expenditure on education in India during the last seven decades and finds that private expenditure on education is growing faster than that of the public. The study by Janak Raj, Vrinda Gupta, & Aakanksha Shrawan explores the relationship between economic growth and non-income components (health and education) of the Human Development Index (HDI) for 26 Indian states during the period from 1990 to 2019 and finds a strong two-way relationship between economic growth and non-income components in the long run. T Selvaraju carries out an audit of the performance of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and recommends greater accountability without curbing the independence of the institution. Finally, Shree Kumar reviews the book "When the Chips are Down", written by Pranay Kotasthane and Abhiram Manchi, and lauds it for covering the essentials that can help create an action plan for the next twenty years for the Indian semiconductor industry.